Study of mesh-dependency in finite element analysis of structural electromagnetic performance
Received:January 04, 2012  Revised:May 12, 2012
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KeyWord:electromagnetic performance simulation  S parameters  mesh-dependency  parameters-retrieval methods  metamaterials
刘书田 大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
董焱章 大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
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      Mesh-dependency in simulation results of metamaterial electromagnetic performance was analyzed based on finite element analysis.It is found in the simulation results that the retrieval metamaterial equivalent performance parameters based on S-parameters have a strong dependence on the S-parameters' calculation accuracy,especially in the resonant frequency-domain where S-parameters' error may cause a qualitative error of the electromagnetic parameters.To improve the accuracy when a solution frequency is away from the resonant frequency based on the mesh-adaptive technology,a proper solution frequency needs to be determined for implementing the adaptive mesh of high quality.So a new method was proposed to improve the accuracy of the electromagnetic simulation analysis.In the new method,firstly the electromagnetic parameters could be retrieved from the S-parameters through the Kramers-Kronig relationship with an initial solution frequency,and thus an approximate value of the resonant frequency could be obtained.Afterwards,the adaptive mesh of high quality was achieved,using the approximate value as the solution frequency.Finally the electromagnetic parameters of high accuracy were retrieved from the S-parameters through the frequency-sweep technology.Numerical results show that the new method can effectively improve the accuracy of the simulation analysis and parameters-retrieval methods.