On the effect of bubble elasticity to sub-launch process using concentric canister launcher
Received:February 22, 2012  Revised:August 13, 2012
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KeyWord:hydromechanics  underwater launch  Concentric Canister Launcher(CCL)  bubble elasticity
王亚东 西北工业大学 航海学院,西安
袁绪龙 西北工业大学 航海学院,西安
张宇文 西北工业大学 航海学院,西安
刘维 西北工业大学 航海学院,西安
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      A bubble will come into existence at the tube outlet during the launch process of sub-launched missile being launched from a concentric canister launcher.Due to the elastic effect,the bubble underwater will expand and be compressed periodically,and it will affect the motion parameters and loads acting on the missile.In aid of the CFD technique,a dynamic simulation model of the launch process of the sub-launch missile was set up,through which the multiphase flow field,the motion parameters and loads with time were obtained,furthermore,the effects of bubble elastic feature to the parameters were analyzed.The influences of launch depth and submarine velocity to the bubble elastic features were also investigated,followed by the effect law.The simulation method and results have a certain reference value for engineering studies.