Study of normal stiffness of machine joint surface involving geometric errors
Received:December 21, 2011  Revised:March 22, 2012
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KeyWord:geometric errors  machine joint surface  normal stiffness
缪小梅 南京工业大学 机械与动力工程学院,南京
黄筱调 南京工业大学 机械与动力工程学院,南京
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      The machine joint surface including geometric errors was discretized into mini interfaces,to make their base planes well satisfied the geometric error distribution of the joint interface.For each mini surface,the height of micro-peaks only depended on the surface roughness.The normal stiffness model of mini interfaces was proposed based on the contact mechanics,and then the normal stiffness model of the whole joint interface was obtained through combing the models of mini interfaces.By numerical simulation,it revealed the nonlinear relationship between the normal stiffness and clearance of interfaces,the effects of amplitude and wavelength of geometric errors on normal contact stiffness,and the influence of nonlinear stiffness on vibration.The result showed that the normal stiffness rapidly increased with the decrease of clearance.As a result of geometric errors,there would be local contact and stress concentration of joint surface in macroscopical.With the same interference value,the normal contact stiffness increased with the amplitude of geometric errors increasing,which was independent on the wavelength of geometric errors.The nonlinear stiffness can lead to the decrease of the natural frequency of joint surface and asymmetry of the vibrating displacement.