Evaluation of the stress singularity orders for the composite material notch
Received:February 28, 2012  Revised:June 08, 2012
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KeyWord:composite material  generalized plane strain  orthotropic  notch  stress singularity order
程长征 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院,合肥
王大鹏 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院,合肥
牛忠荣 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院,合肥
胡宗军 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院,合肥
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      The presentation was mainly devoted to the study on the evaluation for the stress singularity orders of composite notch under the generalized plane strain state.Basing on a power series asymptotic extension for the displacement field in terms of radial coordinates at the notch tip,the governing equations of the elastic theory at the vicinity of prismatic notch were transformed into an eigenvalue problem of ordinary differential equations.Then,the interpolating matrix method was introduced to solve the established ordinary differential equations for obtaining the eigenvalue.All the singularity orders of the prismatic notch in composite material can be determined at one time.The proposed method can be used to solve the generalized plane deformation problem in which the inplane and antiplane stress fields are coupled or decupled,respectively.The present method is versatile which can be degenerated to calculate the stress singularity orders for a crack or an isotropic notch.The accuracy of the proposed algorithm is investigated and compared for several numerical examples,demonstrating that the presented method is an effective and accurate way to analyze the stress singularity orders for the generalized plane strain notch in composite material.