Study on coupled solution for the coactions of gas-liquid two-phase flows with walls
Received:November 29, 2011  Revised:June 28, 2012
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KeyWord:combined Level Set-VOF method  wall wetting model  gas-liquid two-phase flows  coupled solution
宋云超 北京交通大学 机械与电子控制工程学院,北京
宁智 北京交通大学 机械与电子控制工程学院,北京
王春海 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,上海
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      The study of the coactions of gas-liquid two-phase flows with walls is an important base for the study of the process of a droplet impinging onto a wall.Based on the combined Level Set-VOF method that integrates the advantages of VOF method and Level Set methods and the wall wetting model that can reflect the influences of the contact angle hysteresis and the properties of the wall surface,the coupled solution flow chart for the coactions of gas-liquid two-phase flow with walls was put forward,and the calculation method of the contact line speed and the boundary conditions in the process of coupled solution for the coactions of gas-liquid two-phase flows with walls was presented.The method of coupled solution for the coactions of gas-liquid two-phase flows with walls were validated by the comparison of the calculation results with the experimental results.