The construction of carbonate multiscale network model based on regular network
Received:June 21, 2012  Revised:October 22, 2012
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KeyWord:carbonate rocks  regular network  coupling method  multiscale network  geometry-topology properties  absolute permeability
王晨晨 中国石油大学华东石油工程学院,青岛
姚军 中国石油大学华东石油工程学院,青岛
杨永飞 中国石油大学华东石油工程学院,青岛
王鑫 中国石油大学华东石油工程学院,青岛
汲广胜 中国石油大学华东石油工程学院,青岛
高莹 中国石油大学华东石油工程学院,青岛
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      Due to strong heterogeneity in carbonate rocks,the pore sizes can vary over orders of magnitudes,it is very important to describe the multiscale pore characteristics in carbonate reservoirs.In this paper,based on 3D regular network model,a vug network,macro pore network and micro pore network with different pore size distribution are produced respectively; then,a coupling method is proposed to combine the three networks together to construct the carbonate multiscale network model; at last,geometry,topology and absolute permeability properties of each network are analyzed and compared.Results show that,the carbonate multiscale network model could capture all the geometry and topology properties of different pore scale network; compared with single scale network,the multiscale network has a higher absolute permeability,this is because the interconnection among different scale pores improves the network total connectivity and flow ability.This study provides an important research platform for carbonate microscopic flow simulation.