Research on optimal sensor placement based on improved monkey algorithm
Received:February 16, 2012  Revised:September 08, 2012
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KeyWord:Optimal sensor placement  monkey algorithm  integer encoding  Euclidean distance  random disturbance
伊廷华 大连理工大学 建设工程学部 土木工程学院,大连
张旭东 大连理工大学 建设工程学部 土木工程学院,大连
李宏男 大连理工大学 建设工程学部 土木工程学院,大连
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      An optimal sensor placement (OSP) method based on a new intelligent algorithm,i.e.,monkey algorithm (MA) is proposed.Considering the characteristics of the OSP,the location of the monkeys is given by integer encoding,which overcomes the problem that the MA can only solve the optimization of variables with continuity.The diversity of the monkeys is increased by introducing the Euclidean distance in the initial location,in order to improve the capacity of global search,and the random disturbance mechanism of the Harmony search is introduced in the process of climbing to improve the capacity of local search.Finally,taking the Dalian World Trade Building as an example,the parametric sensitivity is analyzed and the OSP schemes are chosen.The results show that the improved MA can better solve the problem of OSP,which has obvious advantages compared with the classical sequential sensor placement algorithm.