Study of computational method of far-field aerodynamic noise of a high-speed train considering ground effect
Received:December 09, 2011  Revised:May 10, 2012
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KeyWord:aerodynamic noise  ground effect  Green's function  FW-H equation
刘加利 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室,成都
张继业 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室,成都
张卫华 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室,成都
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      In order to study the computational method of far-field aerodynamic noise of a high-speed train,based on the actual situation of high-speed trains running near the ground,the FW-H equation was solved using the semi-free-space Green's function.The far-field acoustical integral formula considering ground effect was established.The influence of ground effect on the far-field aerodynamic noise of the high-speed train was studied.Studies show that the former free sound field is equivalent to superposition of sound field of realistic train and sound field of mirror train.The force sources and normal velocities on the mirror train are the same as that of on the realistic train.When the train speed is 350 km/h,the maximum value of equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level is 90.76 dB when the ground effect is not considered.When the ground effect is considered,the maximum value of equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level is 94.72 dB.