Modelling crack growth by enriched meshless method based on partition of unity
Received:September 11, 2011  Revised:March 09, 2012
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KeyWord:crack growth  partition of unity  meshless method  stress intensity factors
马文涛 西安理工大学 土木建筑工程学院,西安 ;宁夏大学 数学计算机学院,银川
师俊平 西安理工大学 土木建筑工程学院,西安
李宁 西安理工大学 土木建筑工程学院,西安
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      The enriched meshless method based on the partition of unity(PUEM) is a new numerical method for modeling discontinuities.In PUEM,in order to represent the discontinuous displacement field around crack,enriched functions were added in the approximation of traditional meshless based on the ideas of partition of unity.The theory of level set,construction of discontinuous approximation function and discrete format of governing equation were introduced in detail.In view of crack growth,a simple updating algorithm of level set was presented.The impact for the computational results of stress intensity factors using different nodal numbers,Gaussian integral orders of background cells and integral domain of crack tip were discussed.Both growth examples including edge and centre crack were simulated by the combination of PUEM and the level set method.The results of numerical examples show PUEM has higher accuracy,and is an effective meshless method for crack propagation.