A solution of the saturated axial symmetrical viscoelastic body
Received:September 19, 2011  Revised:January 19, 2012
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KeyWord:Biot’s consolidation equations  viscoelastic  integral translation  differential constitutive relations  excess pore-water pressure
张斌 大连海事大学 道路与桥梁工程研究所,大连
赵颖华 大连海事大学 道路与桥梁工程研究所,大连
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      The explicit equations of stress,displacement and excess pore-water pressure are derived by solving Biot’s consolidation equations through Laplace and Hankel transforms.An analysis is developed on semi-infinite viscoelastic body with Kelvin model.The reasonable results show that the present theory is correct and with high accuracy and efficiency.The results show that as the depth increases,the excess pore-water pressure first increases to its maximum and then decreases.The volume strain increases rapidly in the early stages of the load.The speed of the volume stain’s increase slows down with increasing time.