Finite element method for viscoelastic fractional derivative model
Received:August 03, 2011  Revised:March 02, 2012
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KeyWord:fractional derivative  viscoelastic property  constitutive model  Finite Element Method (FEM)
银花 内蒙古大学 交通学院,呼和浩特
陈宁 南京林业大学 机械电子工程学院,南京
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      The finite element scheme of viscoelastic structural dynamics with fractional derivative three elements model constitutive relation was derived based on the analysis of the theory of the fractional derivative three elements model in this paper.And the numerical solution of the finite element equation was calculated using the numerical algorithm for the dynamics equation of the fractional derivative viscoelasticity structure.Moreover,the efficiency of the finite element scheme was confirmed by the dynamic viscoelastic response of two-dimensional asphalt pavement.