Algorithm of super-convergent in one-dimensional FEM based on improved displacement mode
Received:July 27, 2011  Revised:December 23, 2011
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KeyWord:FEM  convergence accuracy  displacement mode  multiple scales method  super-convergence
唐义军 湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙
罗建辉 湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙
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      An algorithm of improved displacement mode is presented by combining the thought of multiple scales method and calculation formula of super convergence.Using analytical formula of super-convergent calculating the displacement mode of high-order finite element solution is expressed with a conventional finite element solution,the new displacement model is constructed with the sum of the displacement model of conventional finite element and the high-order displacement model of finite element solution.The element stiffness matrix is derived using the integral form,the super-convergent formula is used for this algorithm at the stage of pre-processing and the post-processing,for improving the accuracy of the solution and reducing the residual of balance equation,the higher-order trial functions is added at the foundation of the original trial function,the representative example is presented for the linear element in this paper,the displacement and the derivative accuracy of nodes and elements have reached h4 order.