Numerical simulation of static mechanical properties based on 3D mesoscale model of fully-graded concrete
Received:July 22, 2011  Revised:December 28, 2011
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KeyWord:3D mesoscale model  convex polyhedron  static mechanical property  complicated stress states  numerical simulation
张锦华 解放军理工大学 国防工程学院,南京
方秦 解放军理工大学 国防工程学院,南京
龚自明 解放军理工大学 国防工程学院,南京
陈力 解放军理工大学 国防工程学院,南京
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      According to the meso-structure and mechanical properties of fully-graded concrete,the 3D mesoscale model of convex polyhedron was generated to simulate the randomness of the aggregate in shape and spatial distribution.The static mechanical property of concrete under uniaxial,biaxial and triaxial loading conditions was simulated by the established 3D mesoscale model and the constitutive relations of its constituents.The 3D macro-meso analytical model of the three points bending concrete beam was established to investigate its deformation and crack development.Comparison between the analytical results of the mesoscale model and the test data reveals a satisfactory agreement.It is demonstrated that the proposed mesoscale model has a high reliability in simulating static mechanical properties and failure mechanism of concrete under the complicated stress states.