Flutter analysis of low-aspect-ratio wing by differential quadrature method
Received:September 22, 2011  Revised:January 25, 2012
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KeyWord:differential quadrature method  aeroelastic  low-aspect-ratio  wing  flutter
钮耀斌 国防科学技术大学 航天与材料工程学院,长沙
王中伟 国防科学技术大学 航天与材料工程学院,长沙
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      This paper introduces the differential quadrature method to solve the aeroelastic problem of low-aspect-ratio wing.Low aspect ratio wing flutter partial differential equations are established based on the first order piston theory,and solved based on the frequency coincidence theory. The natural frequency and flutter velocity are analyzed by DQM and FEM, the result shows that the relative errors between DQM and FEM are within 2%. So the differential quadrature method is very effective to the solve flutter problems of low aspect ratio wings.Analysis of the effects of wing area,aspect ratio and thickness on flutter speed,the results showed that: flutter speed of the low-aspect-ratio wing greatly influenced by the structure size,with the wing flutter speed area,the aspect ratio of the decreases,with the wing thickness increases.