Optimal searching algorithm for non-probabilistic reliability
Received:September 07, 2011  Revised:December 12, 2011
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KeyWord:interval model  non-probabilistic reliability  reliability index  most probable failure point  optimal searching algorithm
樊建平 华中科技大学 土木工程与力学学院,武汉
李世军 华中科技大学 土木工程与力学学院,武汉
陈旭勇 武汉工程大学 环境与城市建设学院,武汉
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      With the consideration of interval variables as uncertain parameters,the paper emphasizes the iterate algorithm of optimal searching path in order to get non-probabilistic reliability index. For the case of the non-linear performance function,the intersection line of the tangent plane and G=0 was achieved so as to linearize the performance function. The intersection point as an iterate point was determined by isocline and equivalent linear performance function. The most probable failure point (MPP) was obtained when G=0 after optimal searching. Furthermore,the reliability index could be calculated according to MPP. Two numerical examples were applied for testing and verifying the proposed algorithm and good agreement was achieved.