The optimaztion model of two-phase periodic layered band-gap material
Received:September 25, 2011  Revised:February 25, 2012
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KeyWord:material design  elastic band gap  optimization model  constraint function  robustness
黄毓 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 工程力学系,大连
刘书田 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 工程力学系,大连
陈文炯 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 工程力学系,大连
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      A simple design optimization formulation is investigated and developed for two-phase periodic layered material with band gaps in specified frequency ranges.First,based on the analytical solution of elastic wave propagation in periodic layered material,an analytical solution of cosine function of wave number and the configurations of the microstructure in periodic layered material is obtained.Next,the relation between cosine function of wave number and attenuate coefficient is analyzed,and the band gap characteristic is descripted as an index which is integration of cosine function of wave number in given frequency ranges,such that the idea of maximizing attenuate coefficient within given frequency ranges can be carried out by maximizing this index,then the optimization formulation and the solving strategy of designing two-phase periodic layered material with band gaps in specified frequency ranges are formulated.Finally,the effectiveness of the optimization design model is demonstrated by several design examples,optimal configurations of the material subject to certain scale constraints of the microstructure are obtained,and both the influences of scale constraints on the optimal configurations and the robustness of the optimal configurations on the band gap characteristics are discussed.