Analysis solution study of steady response on asphalt road based on the wavelet theory
Received:June 01, 2011  Revised:November 11, 2011
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KeyWord:the wavelet theory  moving load  asphalt road  steady response  analysis solution
吕彭民 长安大学 道路施工技术与装备教育部重点实验室, 西安
史春娟 长安大学 道路施工技术与装备教育部重点实验室, 西安 ;西安中交土木科技有限公司, 西安
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      In order to study the steady response of asphalt road subjected to moving load,the asphalt pavement is treated as an infinite long beam which not only has elasticity,but also has viscosity based on Kelvin viscous-elastic foundation.A mathematical model of the steady response is established.A new method to calculate the steady response is obtained by using Fourier translation in conjunction with wavelet analysis method.The asphalt pavement steady dynamic response is simulated and analyzed according to the actual road parameters.This method does not need to calculate complex multiple integral and is a very quick and convenient way.Thus it provides an effective algorithm for study the asphalt pavement dynamic response.