Definition and application of shear-lag warping displacement functions for box girders
Received:July 25, 2011  Revised:January 15, 2012
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KeyWord:box girders  shear lag  warping displacement functions  shear deformation
蔺鹏臻 兰州交通大学 甘肃省道路桥梁与地下工程重点实验室, 兰州
刘凤奎 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
杨军 甘肃省科学院, 兰州
冀伟 兰州交通大学 甘肃省道路桥梁与地下工程重点实验室, 兰州
刘炎海 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
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      A new theory is proposed to definition the shear-lag warping displacement functions of box girders.The distribution law of shear flow of box girder under vertical bending is calculated.Warping displacement functions corresponding to mechanism of shear lag effect is defined according to shear deformation of flange plates.In order to verify applicability of new functions,shear lag of a simple supported girder with concentrated force acting on mid span is analysed concerning two models,which one is that top and bottom flanges have different thickness and another is that internal and external top flanges have different width.Comparising with shell finite method and reference results,it’s proved results based on the new warping displacement are more accurate.