Analysis wave-like disturbance of coupling vibration characteristic of HVAS droplets
Received:May 25, 2011  Revised:November 15, 2011
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KeyWord:HVAS droplets  wave-like disturbance  coupling vibration  vibration characteristics
陈彬 重庆工商大学 废油资源化技术与装备教育部 工程研究中心, 重庆
刘阁 重庆工商大学 废油资源化技术与装备教育部 工程研究中心, 重庆
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      Vibration characteristics of molten metal droplets are the decisive effects to performances of high velocity arc sprayed coating,but it is hardly to test the dynamic action of liquid droplets owing to the limitation of experimental technique.Though it established the sprayed gas and liquid droplet coupling vibration system of equations based on wave-like disturbance,numerical solutions for the governing equation,a fastest-growing wave number is derived.Comparing of predicted fastest-growing wave number and data of Bradley,the deviation within the±2% limits,its efficiency is validated to the gas liquid droplet coupling vibration system of equations.Using the coupling vibration system of equations,analyzed the effects of different gas type,different gas velocity and different molten metal type to vibration characteristics of HVAS droplets.The results show that N2 gas is better selected as sprayed gas,adhesive strength of the spraying coating increase with an increase in the gas velocity,thereby provides theoretical evidence for choice of spraying materials and control processing parameters of HVAS.