Scaled boundary element method with moving scaling center
Received:July 16, 2011  Revised:December 15, 2011
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KeyWord:moving scaling center  scaled boundary finite element method  eccentric ring-type domain  electrostatic field  schur decomposition
张勇 大连理工大学 建设工程学部 水利工程学院, 大连
林皋 大连理工大学 建设工程学部 水利工程学院, 大连
胡志强 大连理工大学 建设工程学部 水利工程学院, 大连
徐喜荣 大连理工大学 电子信息与电气工程学部, 大连
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      In the traditional scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) the scaling centre usually is placed at a fixed point,the concept of moving scaling center is proposed in this paper to extend traditional SBFEM to the problem within eccentric domain.With scaled boundary coordinate transformation based on the concept of moving scaling center,the governing Laplace equation is semi-discritized to scaled boundary ordinary differential equations by the weighted residual approach.To avoid singularity of coefficient Hamiltonian Matrix,Schur decomposition is employed and the general solution of electric potential is obtained with integral constants,determined by boundary conditions.As only inner boundary needs to be discretised and semi-analytical property is covered in ODE,it’s more effective to solve problem and achieves higher accuracy of the results.It’s shown in several numerical examples that comparison with finite element method with the same discretized level on boundary.It demonstrates that the present method is competent in the problem within eccentric domain and yields excellent results,quick convergence rate and less amount of computational time.