High-precision analysis method for elastic thin plate based on trigonometric wavelet
Received:April 15, 2011  Revised:September 19, 2011
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KeyWord:trigonometric wavelet  thin plate  uniform formulation  hierarchical  multi-resolution
贺文宇 中南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙
任伟新 中南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙
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      Taking trigonometric Hermite wavelet that has both good approximation characteristics of trigonometric function and multi-resolution,local characteristics of wavelet as trial function,the bending,vibration and stability of rectangle elastic thin plate under different boundary conditions are solved based on the principle of minimum potential energy.Furthermore,two approaches,hierarchical and multi-resolution approach,are presented to improve accuracy of calculation.Numerical examples show that trigonometric wavelet method can process kinds of boundary conditions conveniently and performs well in solving the bending,vibration and stability of rectangle elastic thin plate,especially for natural vibration feature analysis,and hierarchical and multi-resolution approaches can improve the analysis precision effectively.