A fast local mesh generation method about high-quality node set
Received:April 17, 2011  Revised:September 28, 2011
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KeyWord:nodes placement method with bubble simulation  adjacent chain  local mesh generation  Delaunay triangulation
陈蔚蔚 西北工业大学 理学院, 西安
聂玉峰 西北工业大学 理学院, 西安
张伟伟 西北工业大学 理学院, 西安
王磊 西北工业大学 理学院, 西安
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      Node-based local mesh generation method with high quality and efficiency is the key point of parallel algorithm of the node-based local finite element method.The nodes placement method with bubble simulation can develop a good-quality nodes set without manual intervention even if the domain is complex.Therefore,a high efficiency local mesh generation method based on this nodes placement method,called Bubble-type Local Mesh Generation (BLMG) method,is presented.BLMG method makes full use of the nodes set and adjacent chain which are provided by the nodes placement method.Avoiding the establishment of barrel data structure and the local searching of nodes,BLMG uses the circumscribed circle standard of Delaunay to eliminate the rare non-satellite nodes from the adjacent chain to develop a local mesh rapidly,which makes it of higher efficiency than the existing local mesh generation methods.Experimental results show that BLMG can generate local meshes which are consistent with the whole mesh generated by Delaunay triangulation and with high efficiency.