Reanalysis of structures with modification of boundary constraints
Received:June 20, 2011  Revised:December 10, 2011
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KeyWord:modification of boundary constraints  static reanalysis  SMI method  FEM  symmetry
李正光 吉林大学 数学学院, 长春
吴柏生 吉林大学 数学学院, 长春
刘海峰 西安交通大学 数学与统计学院, 西安
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      The optimal layout of boundary constraints is one of the key factors that dominate static performances of the structure.The repeated analyses required in design and optimization of the location of boundary constraints are difficult because the imposition or release of boundary constraints change the number of degrees of freedom of structures.This paper deals with reanalysis of structures with modification of boundary constraints.A successive matrix inversion (SMI) method is developed and an efficient reanalysis algorithm is presented for such a problem.The symmetry of modified structural stiffness matrix is sufficiently utilized in the algorithm.Exact solution can be achieved by the proposed method.Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.