Decentralized fuzzy iterative learning control of tall buildings under earthquakes
Received:May 06, 2011  Revised:September 22, 2011
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KeyWord:seismic action  tall building  centralized control  decentralized control  fuzzy iterative learning
汪权 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院, 合肥
王建国 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院, 合肥
裴阳阳 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院, 合肥
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      Methods for fuzzy semi-active vibration control of tall buildings under earthquakes is studied.By introducing the decentralized control strategy and combining the Fuzzy control and Iterative Learning Control (ILC),an algorithm named Decentralized Fuzzy Iterative Learning Control(DFILC) has been presented for the decentralized seismic response control of tall buildings.A typical 20-storey seismically excited building is used for comparing the performance of the two control strategies.The results indicate that the DFILC strategy could effectively mitigate structural seismic response as well as the traditional centralized control strategy but is superior in enhancing the reliability and more efficient in the data real-time processing of the control system.It is also more suitable for the control system with model uncertainty and external disturbance nonlinearity thanks to the fuzzy logic theory.