Meso-element equivalent model for macro-scopic mechanical properties analysis of concrete materials
Received:July 18, 2011  Revised:September 23, 2011
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KeyWord:concrete  meso-element equivalent model  characteristic element scale  equivalence  mechanical properties
杜修力 北京工业大学 城市与工程安全减灾教育部重点实验室, 北京
金浏 北京工业大学 城市与工程安全减灾教育部重点实验室, 北京
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      A new method,meso-element equivalent model,was proposed in the paper to analyze the macro mechanical properties of concrete materials.The method was described to start with the meso-scale of concrete; the Monte Carlo method was used to generate the random aggregate model of concrete composed of the aggregate particles and the mortar matrix.And then,the finite element grid was meshed based on characteristic element scale of concrete materials,and the mesh grid was projected onto the established random aggregate model.The mechanical properties of every element were determined by equivalence method of composite-materials.The proposed approach reflected the recognition of the macro-scopic mechanical properties of material nonlinearity due to their inherent heterogeneity.While the meso mesh whether affecting the macroscopic mechanical properties of concrete,was taken as the criterion for the non-uniformity description.Hence,comparing with the meso-mechanical method,the excellent advantages of the method was that the system reduced the number of degrees of freedom greatly,which improved the computational efficiency,especially for 3D problems.The examples analysis in the paper confirmed the high efficiency of this method.