Transient coupled characteristics study on mechanical seals end faces under the alternative load function
Received:December 17, 2010  Revised:July 15, 2011
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KeyWord:alternative load function  seals end faces  transient coupled analysis  alternate characteristics
严国平 中冶南方工程技术有限公司 技术研究院, 武汉
刘正林 武汉理工大学 能源与动力工程学院, 武汉
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      In the article,one mathematical model with given boundary conditions in detail was established to solve the question about the transient thermal-structure coupling characteristics of the mechanical seals end faces.The function expression was derived between the opening gap and fluid film pressure on the seals end faces.The fluid film pressure under the corresponding condition was loaded by the way of the discrete nodes loading in the computational program.The spring force was expressed in the form of some given alternative function.Combined with the time-history dynamic and transient analysis,some characteristics such as temperature and pressure and other parameters were achieved.The results indicate that in most of computational time,seals end faces characteristics investigated in the transient analysis are similar to those in the steady analysis.There are contact areas and higher temperature exiting on the local seals end faces.The seals end faces of static ring and rotating ring separates each other and present the shape of some form of tapered opening.With the time-varying spring ratio pressure which changes the force loaded on the sealing device,seals end faces characteristics such as temperature and contact pressure and so on are all alternate and transient,too.