The dynamic reaction study of underground arch structure subjecting to blasting load with spline wavelet finite element numerical simulation
Received:April 12, 2011  Revised:November 22, 2011
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KeyWord:blast load  underground arch structure  dynamic action  interval B-spline wavelet
孙惠香 空军工程大学 工程学院, 西安
许金余 空军工程大学 工程学院, 西安
杨炳会 兰州空军后勤部, 兰州
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      The wavelet finite element is adopted to study the dynamic action of underground structure subjected to blasting load in order to overcome the disadvantages of stress centralism and inefficient computation occurring in numerical simulation.It is because of the characteristics of material singularity,complexity of geologic structure and high-speed loading.In this paper,according to the spline finite point method,the new elements of one-way and two-way annulus sector interval B-spline elements were constructed using the scaling functions as interpolation function.And they were used to study the dynamic reaction of underground arch structure under blasting load through programming with Matlab software.The result showed that the computation precision is high with little elements and the computation efficiency is improved 50% comprised with common finite element.