Rigid-flexible coupling dynamic modeling and frequency analysis of a rotating cantilever beam
Received:November 18, 2010  Revised:June 28, 2011
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KeyWord:cantilever beam  rigid-flexible coupling  first-order approximation coupling(FOAC) model  first-order approximation simplified(FOAS) model  frequency analysis
方建士 南京工程学院 材料工程学院, 南京 ;南京理工大学 理学院, 南京
章定国 南京理工大学 理学院, 南京
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      The rigid-flexible coupling dynamics and frequency analysis of a cantilever beam attached to a rotating hub is studied.Based on the accurate description of non-linear deformation of the flexible beam,the first-order approximation coupling(FOAC) model with the dynamic stiffening terms are derived from Hamilton theory and assumed mode method,taking the second-order coupling quantity of axial displacement caused by transverse displacement of the beam into account.The first-order approximation simplified(FOAS) model which neglects the effect of axial deformation of a beam is presented.The simplified model is transformed into dimensionless form in which dimensionless parameters are identified.Firstly,the dependence of natural frequency of a flexible beam on number of modes is analyzed.Then,the relation between the tuned angular speed and the resonant phenomenon is studied.Finally,the dynamic characteristic of the first-order approximation coupling model is analyzed.Generally,as the dimensionless angular speed increases,the used number of modes should increase properly to obtain the adequate accuracy,and it has a convergent value.There is no tuned angular speed of a cantilever beam in the first-order approximation simplified model.And there is also no the so called buckling unstable phenomenon.The results in the typical existing references are arguable.