Numerical simulation of structure evolution in non-isothermal crystallization for semi-crystalline polymers
Received:August 05, 2010  Revised:March 08, 2011
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KeyWord:semi-crystalline polymer  crystallization  structure evolution  morphology evolution  simulation
王利霞 郑州大学 橡塑模具国家工程研究中心, 郑州
李倩 郑州大学 橡塑模具国家工程研究中心, 郑州
王树成 郑州大学 橡塑模具国家工程研究中心, 郑州
申长雨 郑州大学 橡塑模具国家工程研究中心, 郑州
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      In polymer processing, crystallization plays a major role on the structure development of polymer, and structure development has important influence on the final properties of the products. It is significant to simulate crystallization morphology evolution. In this work, a general differential system was adopted to describe the crystallization morphology evolution, and the simulation of the crystallization process under non-isothermal conditions was implemented using Rounge-Kutta method by Matlab. The overall crystallization kinetics, the potential nuclei number and the crystal entities number can be predicted, and the size evolution and final size distribution of the crystal entities can be calculated. The simulation results were compared with analytical values and experimental results, the comparison result showed a perfect agreement and verified the program. The influence of crystallization temperature and cooling rate on size distribution was studied by numerical analysis, and the influence laws were obtained.