Study on internet-based collaborative structure inelastic analysis
Received:October 25, 2010  Revised:April 27, 2011
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KeyWord:collaborative structure analysis  network calculation  nonlinear finite element  static elastic-plastic analysis  frame-shear wall structure
陈学伟 华南理工大学 高层建筑结构研究所, 广州 ; 华南理工大学 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室, 广州
韩小雷 华南理工大学 高层建筑结构研究所, 广州 ; 华南理工大学 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室, 广州
王响 华南理工大学 高层建筑结构研究所, 广州
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      This paper presents Internet-based collaborative structure analysis, including the research of assembling global stiffness, nonlinear iterative method, program control and communication methods. An Internet-based collaborative structure program CSAS has been developed with object-oriented program language, which is composed of host structure analysis program, host communication program, sub-computer control program and sub-computer communication program. Real-time information transmission between the programs is realized by Internet communication. A static elastic-plastic analysis of a 4-story and a 60-story frame-shear wall structures, which is divided into several substructures, is presented in this paper. The collaborative structure analysis is performed in several computers controlled by the CSAS. The results are compared with that of the whole structure analysis, which shows the validity of Internet-based collaborative structure elastic-plastic analysis.