Experimental and numerical study on the delamination fracture of stitched composite laminates
Received:August 20, 2010  Revised:April 11, 2011
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KeyWord:stitched composites  delamination fracture  numerical simulation  interface element
周储伟 南京航空航天大学 机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室, 南京
金春花 南通大学 建筑工程学院, 南通
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      Owing to the existence of through thickness reinforced stitch fiber,the stitched composite laminates possess notably improved delamination resistance.In this study,the three-point bending test was carried out to short beam specimens cut from a carbon fiber/epoxy matrix laminate stitched by Kevlar tows.The load-displacement curves of punch were obtained and the block of stitch tow against delaminating was proven by the observation.A three dimensional FE model was developed to simulate the experiment mentioned above.A layer of interface element was placed between neighbor laminas.The failure of the interface element represents the delamination fracture.The stitch tows in the model were simplified as beam elements.The simulation agrees well with the experimental results.