Computation of aero-heating environment for key places of hypersonic aircrafts
Received:October 12, 2010  Revised:August 11, 2011
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KeyWord:hypersonic aero-dynamics  key location  aero-heating environment  engineering computational method
杨恺 东南大学 工程力学系, 南京
高效伟 大连理工大学 航空航天学院 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
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      In this paper,a computational method for predicting the aero-heating environment for key places of hypersonic aircrafts is presented.Based on the reference enthalpy method,the classical heat flux formulae are used to determine the surface aero-dynamic heating.Then,an algorithm for hypersonic aerodynamic heating environment is developed.Using this method,heating rates for some simple blunted cone shapes of aircrafts are calculated.The computational results show the high accuracy comparing to the existing experimental data.