An optimization-based algorithm for data exchange on the interface between the structure and the acoustic medium
Received:January 25, 2010  Revised:June 20, 2010
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KeyWord:structural-acoustic coupling interface  load transformation  shape function  local interpolation  optimization
宋先凯 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
杜建镔 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
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      An algorithm based on parameter interpolation and optimization model is developed for solving the problem of load transformation on the interface of the structural-acoustic coupling system.The element surfaces of the structure and the fluid on the interface are interpolated by shape functions,respectively.The key of the proposed approach for load transformation is to handle an optimization problem of minimizing the distance from the grid point of one mesh (e.g.the structural mesh) to the corresponding element surface of another mesh (e.g.the acoustic mesh) on the interface.The model may be solved using the well-developed optimization algorithm in a very efficient manner.In comparison with the previous methods,the proposed method maintains high precision even for the case that the element surfaces of the coupling interface have pronounced curvature.The algorithm is implemented in computer and is verified by numerical examples.