Investigation on impact damping performance of interior inlaid freely moving steel ball for euler beam knocked by force-hammer
Received:April 09, 2010  Revised:February 11, 2011
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KeyWord:freely moving steel ball  impact vibration suppression  spring-damping model  piecewise linear dynamic equations  state-space equations
王建伟 河南工业大学 土木建筑学院, 郑州
徐晖 西安交通大学 航天航空学院/强度与振动教育部重点实验室, 西安
马宁 西安交通大学 航天航空学院/强度与振动教育部重点实验室, 西安
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      Combining experiments carried out in the workbench for the beam & plate with interior inlaid freely moving mass, an impact vibration suppression system, an Euler beam with an interior inlaid freely moving steel ball, is investigated while the beam is knocked by a force-hammer. A linear spring-damping model is employed to simulate the impact between the ball and the interior beam walls. Then the linear piecewise dynamic equations of the impact system are established, and the dimensionless state-space equations with finite degrees of freedoms are derived by introducing dimensionless variables, assuming modes and truncating high order modes. Numerical calculations reveal that the steel ball exhibits a better impact damping effect on decreasing the amplitude of the beam residual damped vibration, whereas it also prolongs the duration of the low-amplitude damped vibration unfavorably. The steel ball obtains the initial kinetic-energy from the beam, and then it applies the impact damping to the beam vibration. The frequency and amplitude of impacts decrease with the time increasing. The damping effect increases with the steel ball mass increasing.