Bond-slip considered beam-column elements for concrete encased steel column
Received:April 08, 2010  Revised:May 28, 2010
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KeyWord:steel reinforced concrete(SRC)  bond-slip  flexibility method  fiber model  nonlinear
郑山锁 西安建筑科技大学, 西安
张传超 西安建筑科技大学, 西安
李磊 西安建筑科技大学, 西安
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      This paper presents a new steel reinforced concrete (SRC) finite element that explicitly accounts for the slip between the steel and the surrounding concrete. According to the force characteristics of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) free body,the equations of equilibrium and compatibility are established. Based on the analytical model of force-based beam-column elements and fiber-section, the appropriate force interpolation function is determined. According to the principle of minimum potential energy,the flexibility matrix and the analytical for element state determinations are proposed.Finally,comparison with the experimental test on steel reinforced concrete (SRC)columns shows that the prediction with the new model is in good agreement with the test, and the model is of high accuracy and calculation speed.