Well test analysis on low velocity and non-Darcy flow in dual-porosity reservoir with dynamic boundary
Received:March 11, 2010  Revised:September 20, 2010
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KeyWord:dual porosity  dynamic boundary  non-Darcy  threshold pressure gradient
程林松 中国石油大学 北京石油工程学院, 北京
任胜利 中国石油大学 北京石油工程学院, 北京
廉培庆 中国石油大学 北京石油工程学院, 北京
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      The permeability of matrix is generally low in naturally fractured reservoirs. A large number of core test results indicate that the liquid flow and the gas flow with a certain degree of water saturation in matrix have deviated from the Darcy flow, and often show low-speed and non-Darcy characteristics. Besides, the phenomenon of threshold pressure gradient and flow boundary expanding appears. In this paper, a well test model is presented in the slightly compressible dual-porosity reservoir with low velocity and non-darcy percolation; it fully considers the impact of the threshold pressure gradient and the dynamic boundary. By discretizing time and spatial variables, this model can be solved by numerical method. Use this model, it is studied the pressure-transient characteristics and the influencing factors, the typical well test curves effected by storage capacity ratio and inter-aquifer flow factor in constant pressure external boundary reservoirs have been drawn, and the propagation rule of the dynamic boundary has been analyzed too.