Fast implementing of the iterative digraph cell mapping
Received:May 20, 2010  Revised:October 26, 2010
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KeyWord:Iterative digraph cell mapping method  Symbol computation  Runge-Kutta schemes  Duffing equation  Nonlinear
贺群 武警工程学院 基础部数学教研室,西安
徐伟 西北工业大学 理学院,西安
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      Cell mapping is an effective method of global analysis of dynamical systems. In order to overcome the drawback of low efficiency of generating the cell mapping dynamical system from the dynamical system described by the differential equation, this paper improves the Expanded Point Mapping method based on the iterative digraph cell mapping method. Through the combination of the fast calculating of the ordinary differential equation and the iterative digraph cell mapping method, it shows that the presented technique can solve the problem of fast generating of the cell mapping dynamical system, and remarkably improve the calculating efficiency. As an illustrative example, the duffing equation is taken to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of this method.