A FE/EFG coupled algorithm directly specifying essential boundary condition
Received:April 28, 2010  Revised:October 29, 2010
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KeyWord:FEM  EFG method  coupling algorithm  essential boundary condition  program
柳军 重庆大学 工程力学系,重庆
严波 重庆大学 工程力学系,重庆 ;核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室,成都
卢岳川 核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室,成都
孙英学 核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室,成都
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      A finite element and meshfree Galerkin (FE/EFG) coupled algorithm based on transformation matrices is presented.By means of two transformation matrices,the FE sub-domain and EFG sub-domain can be coupled effectively and the essential boundary condition can be imposed directly on the EFG sub-domain boundary.Two transformations are needed to deal with the nodes on the essential boundary and in the influence domain of the nodes on the interface between the two sub-domains.Furthermore,a partitioned-matrix method is proposed to calculate the transferred stiffness matrix which is stored in one-dimension variable bandwidth.The system equation is solved by the LU decomposition method.The computer program of the FE/EFG coupling method for three dimensional problems is developed.The efficiency of the algorithm presented in this papre is demonstrated by two numerical examples,a plate with a hole and a plate with a centre-crack under uniform tension.