High reynolds number cavity acoustic numerical simulation using DES
Received:June 08, 2010  Revised:January 23, 2011
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KeyWord:CFD  unsteady  cavity  DES  high Reynolds number
陈龙 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院,南京
伍贻兆 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院,南京
夏健 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院,南京
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      The three dimensional supersonic cavity numerical simulation method and program using SA-DES, SST-DES are developed. Hybrid grid finite volume method is used to solve unsteady flow fields, and the dual time stepping method based on LU-SGS implicit scheme is used in temporal discretization. Wall function including compressibility is used for reduce the viscous grid points number near wall boundary when high Reynolds number numerical simulation. The result about vorticity and pressure fluctuating using one-equation SA-DES and two-equations SST-DES are compared. Analyze the pressure fluctuating and sound pressure level spectra from numerical simulation. Sound pressure level spectra from numerical simulation is agree well with other researcher's result and experimental data.