Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of strain localization in nonlocal plasticity model
Received:June 20, 2010  Revised:December 29, 2010
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KeyWord:nonlocal plasticity  strain localization  characteristic length  mesh dependency
吕玺琳 同济大学 地下建筑与工程系,上海 ;
黄茂松 同济大学 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室,上海
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      By solving a Fredholm equation of the second kind, the analytical solution was derived for strain localization in nonlocal softening material, the solutions show that the distributions of plastic strain and load-displacement curve rely on the characteristic length and nonlocal parameter. It was validated by one-dimensional numerical solution that nonlocal model could make the distributions of plastic strain and the global load-displacement response mesh independent and approaching to analytical solutions with mesh refinement. The nonlocal formulation of softening plasticity was employed in the numerical simulation of strain localization in bi-axial compression test. The influence of the over-nonlocal parameter and characteristic length on the numerical results and the convergence of the equilibrium iteration were both obtained.