Nonlinear stability of uniaxial compressive reinforced concrete members
Received:January 16, 2010  Revised:July 16, 2010
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KeyWord:reinforced concrete  uniaxial compressive  stability  slenderness  creep
许晶 大连理工大学 建设工程学部,大连
贡金鑫 大连理工大学 建设工程学部,大连
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      Based on the relationship between stress and strain provisioned in "Code for design of concrete structures" (GB50010-2002) and taking concrete strength, slenderness ratio and concrete creep as study parameters, the bearing capacity of uniaxial compressive reinforced concrete members is studied from nonlinear theory's viewpoint and longitudinal bending coefficient in concrete critical state is obtained. It is indicated that the concrete creep has a significant effect on the bearing capacity of uniaxial compressed members. When concrete creep is not a factor, bearing capacity of uniaxially compressed members computed in this paper is greater than that in the standard, but is much smaller than that of the standard while it is a factor. Therefore, further studies should be made on the influence of creep to the bearing capacity of uniaxial compressive reinforced concrete member.