Dynamic analysis of deployable structures with rigid bodies
Received:September 17, 2009  Revised:January 15, 2010
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KeyWord:deployable structures  rigid body  dynamic analysis of deployment  generalized inverse matrix  Newmark method  ADAMS
吴明儿 同济大学 建筑工程系,上海
项平 同济大学 建筑工程系,上海
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      Deployable structures with internal rigid bodies can improve both the deploying efficiency and the deploying precision.Thus,this kind of hybrid deployable structures is of high practical value.The surface of rigid bodies can be curved panels or other shapes.There is no efficient method to analyze the deploying dynamic process of this kind of deployable structure by now because it is difficult to describe the rigid surface in analysis.In this paper,the dynamic equation of rigid body using nodal coordinates and displacements as variables was established at first.Then,the dynamic equation was introduced to the deploying process analysis through using Moore-Penrose generalized inverse matrix method and Newmark-β numerical integration.In the end,a numerical example was given and the validity of the method was investigated compared with the calculation results of soft package ADAMS.Compared with multi-body system dynamics,the method suggested in this paper is easy in formulation and can be used to analyze the dynamic problems of deployable structures consisting of rigid bodies with arbitrary shapes.