Non-linear analysis for predicting fire performance of reinforced concrete shear walls
Received:October 09, 2009  Revised:December 04, 2009
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KeyWord:concrete  shear wall  fire behavior  coupling constitutive relation  nonlinear analysis
刘桂荣 大连理工大学 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室,大连 ;华北水利水电学院 土木与交通学院,郑州
宋玉普 大连理工大学 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室,大连
曲福来 华北水利水电学院 土木与交通学院,郑州
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      A nonlinear analysis method is presented based on the fiber element model to simulate the response of reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls under fire conditions. This method does not require computations of moment-curvature curve group. A coupling constitutive relation of concrete at elevated temperature is adopted in this analysis, in which the effects of concrete thermal, creep and transient strain are taken into account. Then a corresponding computer program considering the second-order effect of axial forces is developed. The mid-span deflection of the (RC) shear wall as well as the strain and stress distribution of the mid-span section is calculated by this program. Fire test of RC shear walls has been carried out to verify the proposed numerical model. And its validity is established by comparing the calculated deflections with the measured values. In addition, the appearance of cracks during the fire test is reasonably explained by the predictions of the strain and stress on the cross section.