Natural element method based on flow theory of rigid plastic/viscoplastic mechanics
Received:March 07, 2010  Revised:May 04, 2010
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KeyWord:flow theory of rigid plastic/viscoplastic mechanics  natural element method  non-sibsonian interpolation  metal forming process  numerical simulation
王卫东 山东大学 土建与水利学院 工程力学系,济南
赵国群 山东大学 模具工程技术研究中心,济南
程钢 山东建筑大学 机电工程学院,济南
马新武 山东大学 模具工程技术研究中心,济南
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      The properties of interpolation of nodal data, ease of imposing essential boundary conditions, not needing any user-defined parameters, and the computational efficiency are some of the most important advantages of natural element method. A new method for simulating the metal forming process is given by combining natural element method with the flow theory of rigid plastic/viscoplastic mechanics. Accurate imposition of velocity boundary conditions is accomplished directly by constructing vector of the displacement field by using the non-Sibsonian interpolation method, which are based on the Voronoi diagram and its dual Delaunay tessellation. The discrete governing equations of natural element method are developed by utilizing the generalized variational principle of rigid plastic/viscoplastic materials and accomplishing the incompressibility constraint condition by penalty method. The numerical simulation of a plain strain upset forging reveals the effectiveness and feasibility of the present method.