Analysis of transient flowing model for fractured horizontal well in gas reservoir
Received:July 19, 2009  Revised:December 20, 2009
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KeyWord:horizontal well  unsteady state  gas reservoir  pressure drop  fracture
廉培庆 中国石油大学北京 石油工程学院,北京
程林松 中国石油大学北京 石油工程学院,北京
何理鹏 中国石油大学北京 石油工程学院,北京
李芳 中国石油大学北京 石油工程学院,北京
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      Based on Green function and Neumann product principle, a flow model of fractured horizontal well coupled with gas reservoir under unsteady state is established and the method to solve this problem is also given. The established model is available for anisotropic gas reservoir in consideration of pressure drop along the wellbore caused by friction and acceleration, making use of various constraints. Calculation results show that, flow rate of horizontal well under early unsteady state is larger than that under pseudo-steady state. There is no interference among fractures in early unsteady state, and flow rate is in direct proportion to fracture numbers. Flow rate of end fractures is obviously larger than that of other fractures, affected by frictional and accelerational pressure drop. The closer fractures are to the toe, the smaller the flow rate of fractures is.