Numerical simulation of convection-domained problems using MLPG/SUPG method
Received:March 08, 2010  Revised:June 17, 2010
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KeyWord:meshless method  MLPG  SUPG  rotate flow problem  Brezzi problem
吴学红 郑州轻工业学院,郑州 ;西安交通大学,西安
朱兴旺 郑州轻工业学院,郑州
申胜平 西安交通大学,西安
陶文铨 西安交通大学,西安
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      Numerical simulation is very easy to produce false diffusion for convection-domainated problem, Streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin method(SUPG)is applied in MLPG (Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin) method to lessen the influence of the convection term. Two cases that have benchmark solutions(rotate flow problem and Brezzi problem) are used to validate the accuracy and efficiency of the present method. The results show that the method can effectively overcome the influence of false diffusion; and compared with other upwind scheme in the literature, the method have very good stability and computational precise.