Dynamic response of architectural glass to explosion and safe extent research
Received:November 08, 2009  Revised:October 15, 2010
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KeyWord:architectural glass  shock wave  dynamic response  safe extent  explosion
高轩能 华侨大学 土木工程学院,泉州
江媛 华侨大学 土木工程学院,泉州
王书鹏 华侨大学 土木工程学院,泉州
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      As a kind of transparent or translucent material, architectural glass is widely used in the modern buildings, but it is easily broken under explosion loading, resulting in wounding fragments. Using the theory of vibration of elastic thin plate, the dynamic responses of frame-supported glass under blast loading were analyzed and the maximum deflection formula and the maximum stress formula of the glass panel were obtained in this paper. Based on the shock wave spread characteristics and the theory of the strength of glass, the damage criteria of architectural glazing subjected to explosion are presented. The safe extents of different types of frame-supported architectural glazing with different thickness under explosive shock wave were calculated and were comparatively analyzed with the results of the existing formulae. The results showed that the safe extents given by the existing formulae are too small to be unsafe for ordinary glass, yet too conservative for tempered glass, laminated glass and the float glass of thickness greater than 15mm. By regression analysis, the practical formulas for calculating safe extents of frame-supported glass under explosion are obtained, which are the same form with the existing formula and easy application.