Treatment of the distorted and interference element during hexahedral mesh regeneration
Received:December 15, 2009  Revised:February 01, 2010
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KeyWord:hexahedral mesh regeneration  distorted element  interference element
黄丽丽 山东大学 模具工程技术研究中心,济南
赵国群 山东大学 模具工程技术研究中心,济南
王忠雷 山东大学 模具工程技术研究中心,济南 ;山东建筑大学 机电学院,济南
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      Aiming at the problem of finite element mesh distortion and mesh regeneration in metal forming process, this paper studies the degeneracy problem of the distorted elements in the process of dividing a quadrilateral free face into two triangles. To reduce the impact of geometrical interference between workpiece and die, the workpiece's triangle facets in the contact region are substituted by the die's triangle facets. The key techniques in the method are presented in detail, such as the contact region judgement, the intersection point calculation, the intersected triangle subdivision, the integration and connection, etc. This algorithm can give good description of the shape features in the contact region of the die and workpiece, reduce the impact of the die interference to the mesh regeneration and obtain excellent resulting meshes.