Study on the application of natural element method in linear-elastic fracture mechanics
Received:May 12, 2009  Revised:October 28, 2009
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KeyWord:natural element method  Laplace interpolation  stress intensity factors  crack propagation
盖珊珊 山东大学 土建与水利学院 工程力学系,济南
王卫东 山东大学 土建与水利学院 工程力学系,济南
张敦福 山东大学 土建与水利学院 工程力学系,济南
程钢 山东建筑大学 机电工程学院,济南
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      The natural element method, which is based on the Laplace interpolation, is given for the calculation of the stress intensity factors and the simulation of the crack propagation. The Laplace interpolation, which is based on the Voronoi diagram and its dual Delaunay tessellation, is used to approximate the trial function. The discrete governing equation is developed by using the variation principle. By using the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics,the analysis of stress intensity factors and crack propagation is given for the finite plates with a single edge crack and with a mixed-mode crack in tensile-shear state, respectively.Numerical examples reveal the effectiveness and the advantages of the present method.