Multiscale analysis on micro/nano scale adhesive sliding contacts
Received:August 13, 2009  Revised:November 17, 2009
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KeyWord:molecular dynamics  finite element  multiscale method  adhesive sliding contacts
佟瑞庭 西北工业大学 现代设计与集成制造技术教育部重点实验室,西安
刘更 西北工业大学 现代设计与集成制造技术教育部重点实验室,西安
刘岚 西北工业大学 现代设计与集成制造技术教育部重点实验室,西安
于城蛟 西北工业大学 现代设计与集成制造技术教育部重点实验室,西安
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      Utilizing molecular dynamics and finite element coupling method, two dimensional cylindrical asperity adhesive sliding contact problem is investigated, the results of which are compared with that from full molecular dynamics simulations to identify the validity of multiscale method. The influence of asperity radius, sliding speed, indentation depth, and the adhesive effects on the characteristics of sliding contacts are studied. The friction forces and contact forces of the surface are compared to give a further understanding of adhesive sliding contacts. During the sliding contact process, friction forces exhibit periodic fluctuations. The friction forces increase as asperity radii increase, and the enhancement of indentation depth increases friction forces. In the range of this work, the effects of sliding speed is very slight, while the influence of adhesive effects is so significant that the friction forces are higher and accompanied by hysteresis phenomenon.